Biz Class Projects

Patch and Pond

Noursing our Neighbors

Met Closet

2022/2023 Junior  Project  

2022 10th Grade CCTE Showcase Project

Preservation and Awareness of Tecolote Canyon Habitat

2022/2023 Senior Project  

2022 10th Grade CCTE Showcase Project

San Diego Met Biz is the hub of business education at San Diego Met High School. We have a Career Pathway in Business. Students will take Business 100 in 10th grade, Business Management 1/2 in 11th, and Business Management 3/4 in 12th grade. 

All three years of business classes at the Met are focused on inquiry based learning and creating projects. Students in Business 100 learn essential skills in the business world as well as spend time learning the basic structures of our economy. In the second semester, students focus on branding and marketing to create a package that is presented at the CCTE Showcase. New in 2022/23: Students enrolled in Business 100 (1/2) are eligible to take an end of the year exam to receive college credit for completing the course. 

Business students in the junior-level business management course are creating a non-profit to support Tecolote Canyon called PATCH.

Business students in the senior-level business management course competed in a food truck start up competition.